

Since 1 945, taxonomists have made no less than seven attempts to define the bacteria of the family Rake which includes the etiologic agents of psittacosis, lymphogranuloma venereum, and trachoma. These bacteria are often designated by the vernacular term, PLT group of agents. Classifications were proposed by Moshovsky (1945), Rake (1 948, 1 957), Krasil’nikov (1 949), Zhdanov and Korenblit (1 949), Rhyzkov (1 950), Zhdanov (1953) and Levaditi, Roger and Destombes (1 964). The result was to increase the number of genera for the PLT group culminating in the Levaditi . proposal of four genera for this bacterial group: Rake, Brumpt, Meyer, and Levaditi, Roger and Destombes. Evidence for continued recognition of these genera was examined in the light of recent knowledge of PLT organisms, and the validity of each name according to the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and Viruses was ascertained. On the grounds that the taxonomic significance of properties common to bacteria of the PLT group (morphology, developmental cycle and group antigen) outweighed the value of the characteristics that separated the various species or strains (host preferences and specific antigenicity of lipoproteins of the cell wall), it was concluded that all of the species of bacteria of the PLT group properly belonged in a single genus. Therefore, their unification in the genus Jones, Rake and Stearns, 1945, is proposed. The validly published generic name replaces Brumpt 1 938 which was not validly published and has priority over Meyer (1 9 5 3) and Levaditi, Roger and Destombes (1964). Furthermore, the term “virus” is incorrect and misleading when applied to these bacteria.


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