
On the basis of phenotypic and DNA–DNA reassociation studies, strain CCUG 34545 has been considered to represent a distinct subspecies, subsp. . However, in several independent studies dealing with and strains, the subspecies division of has been found to be controversial. The original study distinguishing the two subspecies within both and also lacked 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses. Therefore, the taxonomic position of subsp. CCUG 34545 was re-evaluated in a polyphasic taxonomy study that included 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, DNA–DNA reassociation, DNA G+C content determination, numerical analysis of ribotypes and whole-cell protein patterns and the examination of some fundamental phenotypic properties. The results obtained indicate that strain CCUG 34545 and its duplicate, CCUG 41580, are subsp. strains and that subsp. is a later synonym of subsp. .


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