
Twenty-five non-identified fluorescent strains isolated from natural mineral waters were previously clustered into three phenotypic subclusters, XIIIb, XVa and XVc. These strains were characterized genotypically in the present study. DNA-DNA hybridization results and DNA base composition analysis revealed that these strains were members of two new species, for which the names sp. nov. (type strain CIP 105469) and sp. nov. (type strain CIP 105470) are proposed. included 13 strains from phenotypic subclusters XVa and XVc. included 10 strains from phenotypic subcluster XIIIb. The levels of DNA-DNA relatedness ranged from 71 to 100% for and from 74 to 100% for . The G+C content of the DNA of each type strain was 58 mol%. DNA similarity levels, measured with 67 reference strains of , were below 55%, with Δ values of 13 °C or more. The two new species presented basic morphological characteristics common to all pseudomonads. Various phenotypic features were found to differentiate them: strains utilized -arabitol, , adonitol, xylitol and as carbon sources, whereas strains assimilated -arabinose, -xylose, -saccharate, , tricarballylate, -glucuronate, -galacturonate, and histamine. The complete 16S rRNA sequences of each type strain were determined and compared with those of the type strains of species. Finally, a phylogenetic tree was inferred from sequence analysis and demonstrated that the two new species fell into the ‘’. To date, their clinical significance is unknown.


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