
A pink-pigmented, aerobic, facultatively methylotrophic bacterial strain, CBMB27, isolated from leaf tissues of rice ( L. ‘Dong-Jin’), was analysed using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence-based phylogenetic analysis placed the strain in a clade with the species , and ; strain CBMB27 showed sequence similarities of 98.3, 98.5 and 97.3 %, respectively, to the type strains of these three species. DNA–DNA hybridization experiments revealed low levels (<38 %) of DNA–DNA relatedness between strain CBMB27 and its closest relatives. The sequence of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase gene () in strain CBMB27 differed from those of close relatives. The major fatty acid of the isolate was C 7 and the G+C content of the genomic DNA was 66.8 mol%. Based on the results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, DNA–DNA hybridization, and physiological and biochemical characterization, which enabled the isolate to be differentiated from all recognized species of the genus , it was concluded that strain CBMB27 represents a novel species in the genus for which the name sp. nov. is proposed (type strain CBMB27 =LMG 24361 =KACC 11716 =DSM 19779).


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vol. , part 1, pp. 22 - 27

Enzyme reactions of sp. nov. CBMB27 and its closest relatives. [PDF](96 KB)

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